
Mr. Peanutbutter
2 min readAug 15, 2021

Dear Friend,

I’m trying to write to you everyday, key word being “trying” and we both know how spectacularly I’m failing to do so. Well I won’t give any reason but I’d like if you have some hope and faith in me.

Hope you’re doing well!

I recently realized how selfish I’ve been, I just vent out my frustration and sadness but never ask how you’re doing or if you wanted to share anything with me.

Here’s you chance to say before I start with my sad story again :P

How are you doing? How is life? When are we meeting IRL? How was the weather? Did you go for a walk?

Hope I get some reply!

So here’s the thing, recently I realized two things, firstly— I’m very selfish and secondly I’m desperate.

Selfish — I only think about me, I say no to others easily which might be good but I hope I don’t do it wrongly.

Desperate — I’m desperate for love, I guess you can say I’m needy. It’s not that I don’t love myself or I’m not self sufficient, I’m very well self sufficient, I’ve live my most of my childhood and most of my adulthood in my mind, I didn’t open up to anyone until recently but I don’t know I’m desperate for love. Romantic or Platonic IDK.

I fell this is wrong and will lead to some kind of disaster, hope I get back to my sense and live contently.

What do you think?

Also which ice-cream do you like?

Love Always,
Mr. Peanutbutter

